Thursday, June 15, 2017

Basic Example for Solving Dividing Fractions for Kid

Mathematics makes man unique as compare to other, most of the experts advised kids or their parents to solve the mathematics to improve the brain capacity. More you solve the mathematics problem can make you genius. It has a lot of benefits to practicing numerical calculation in a daily manner. Mathematics has a huge number of forms and to understand all you have to spend a whole life. There is no need to know everything but necessary to know some essential part of the mathematics. Some important parts are aptitudes, numerical ability, and much more. The dividing fractions come under the numerical ability.
The numerical ability is one of the primary parts of mathematics which is used in the calculation and used in daily life. The dividing fraction is not a rigorous problem to solve but not so easy as seem. Sometimes, it posses the values which may not be divided by any number and sometimes it is really hard to simplify the problem.
Dividing fractions
Dividing fractions

For learner
If you are going to learn and complete your homework without any help, then a simple example can help. Consider an example and try to solve it. Try new questions every day, and you will learn easily to solve dividing fractions applications.

Dividing fractions
Dividing factors includes nominator and denominator. We have all seen the term arranged as 4/3. In this figure, the term 4 is called nominator, and 3 are referring to the denominator. In this figure 4 is divided by 3.
The application of dividing fraction is not as easy and difficult as. We can learn their applications with few examples.  Consider an example,
The division of this figure creates complexity and difficult to solve. The easy method to solve this figure, change the sign between both numerical value. Keep the thing in mind that you can change the divide sign with multiplication and the positive sign with negative according to the mathematics rules. To solve this figure, you can replace the divide sign with multiplication but need to exchange nominator and denominator. This action balances the condition as previous. Basically, it is not a changing method but a trick to make easy the figure. After applying trick on it, it is easy to simplify the question get the result.
After changing the sign, you have the figure shown below
This figure is easy to solve. You have two choices to simplify the question that first is one, that eliminate the common part from nominator and denominator or another one is complex. Need to multiply nominator to nominator and same operation for the denominator.

From Method one-
You will get small figure that is 

Second method-
After applying the second method, you have
To simplify it, you need to eliminate common factors from both the sides. It will provide you the right answer.

56/84 = 2/3

Both the method provides the same answer, and there will be no variations. So you have the choice to select anyone. With the dividing fractions, you may know how to simplify the mathematics problems. More the practice of dividing fractions problem can make you perfect in few days.   

Saturday, June 10, 2017

How to Simplify the Linear Equations by a Simple Process?

Students have many difficulties in algebra and do not know how to solve algebraic equations. The equations are required to simplify to get the right answer. If you have any difficulty in the simplification of linear equations, you should know the simple process to simplify it. An easy process can bring a right solution of the problems on this topic quickly. To understand algebra, you should learn how to solve different types of algebraic equations. You should able to simplify algebraic equations and to find the value of a variable.

linear equations
linear equations

How to identify a linear equation?
Algebraic equations are used in many fields of mathematics. Linear equations are the algebraic equations which give a straight line on the graph. Basically, it has two variables, and if you plot a graph using the equation, you will obtain a straight line. There are so many different forms to write these algebraic equations. But most common form has variables like x or y and constants like 3 or 9 or c.

Case 1: some examples can help you to understand these equations as given below;
3y + 6 = 5x,
3( x + 1 ) = y – 2
x/2 = 3
5y – 6 = 0

Case 2: Normally, the variables do not have exponents or square and cube roots. Like x^2-2 = 0 and 4√y – x = 8
So, the equations listed in case 1 are the linear equations whereas in case 2 are not these equations. Now, you can easily find whether an algebraic equation is linear or not.
Here, a simple method to solve the problems of single variable linear equations is given. You can use this method for solving the equations that have a single variable.

The simple process to simplify the linear equation
·         Use the least common denominator to eliminate any fraction, if the equation has a fraction. Multiply both sides by the LCD to simply the equation.
·         Then, simplify the both sides of the linear equation. For the simplification, clear out the entire parenthesis and also combine the like terms.
·         The next step is just to put all the variables on one side and all the constants on another side of the equation.
·         The last step is to solve the both sides by addition or subtraction.
Here is an example following the above steps. You can see this example to get a good method for simplifying equations.
7(x – 2) + 21 = 6 x is the problem and solution is given below
7x- 14 + 21 = 6x
7x – 6x = 14 – 21
x= -7 is the right answer.

Many people do not verify the answer, but it is also important to verify the answer. This is very helpful you to identify that you have a right solution or not. It is useful to find your mistake. Put your answer in the original equation in the place of the variable (here, ‘x’) and then cross verify by solving it. There are so many other methods to simplify such equations. The substitution method is the method to solve the linear equations that have two variables. 

Thursday, June 1, 2017

Subtracting Fractions – How to Solve Such Fraction without any Mistake?

Fractions are the basics of mathematics, and thus it becomes necessary for you to explain fraction basics. Many students just hate fractions although they are easy as add numbers. So, today I am going to teach you basics and guide you as for how to use them? At first, we solve simple fractions and then a little harder one. So, let’s begin our “subtracting fractions” tutorial.

What do you need to know about solving denominators?
There are certain rules and things about fractions which are must be in your knowledge. Well, here we discuss essential so that you can be able to solve any fraction without mistakes.

        Always take care about zero number in the numerator. It’s a very common mistake that students do as they multiple zero with other digits. For example, 0/4 then its answer is zero and not 4. Yes, in the case of the reverse fraction, its solution is 4.
        Always consider signs as they are important and let you to the right answer if used correctly. Always remember that, (-,-)=(-), (+,+)=(+), (-,+)=(-) and (-,+)=(-). Learn it as you have to use it further in the equation.
        Always make the digits in dominator same while solving the equation. If they are equal already, then it is easy to solve but if not then make it same.  I know, this the toughest part of a fraction but it is easy as eating a pie.
        You should not have how to cancel number and have knowledge about common factors.  Students do it incorrectly and thus never get right answers while subtracting fractions.

Step to solve it
Let’s learn it by solving an example 3/4 – 6/12. Here we have taken simple examples, but you still got its concept. So, let’s continue it:

 Find the LCM of 4 and 12: remember what I have said earlier as make sure that denominators are the equal or of the same number. The LCM of them is twelve i.e. both of them are canceled by 4 & 3 which results in 12 when multiplied.

 Now cancel 4 & 12 by each other:  After finding LCM, you need to cancel four and twelve in the denominator by 4, and you will get 1 & 3.

Multiply 3 in the numerator by three by six by 1:   Here is the way to solve it: 3 x3 – 6 x 1/12 =3/12.  If you are confused here, then let me tell you that four are considered common number here.  4 is the only number which comes in the table of 4 &12. You have to choose a number which cancels both the number perfectly i.e. answers should not be in decimal. It should be a perfect number like 1, 2, 3……etc.

Last step: Now you need to solve 3/12 which answers to give 4. S, 4 is the answer to this equation and here its simplification completed.

Subtracting fractions are very easy, but you need to practice the steps to learn it. So, use the above steps and love solving fractions without getting wrong answers.